Posts Tagged: business

Steps & Springer – A Partnership Between Research and Practice

While reading this (.pdf) article, (The Gospel and the Happiness Paradox) I was intrigued by Ortberg’s mention of the Journal of Happiness Studies. Here is the website, and here is the most recent abstract (Volume 9, Number 3 / September,

Steps & Springer – A Partnership Between Research and Practice

While reading this (.pdf) article, (The Gospel and the Happiness Paradox) I was intrigued by Ortberg’s mention of the Journal of Happiness Studies. Here is the website, and here is the most recent abstract (Volume 9, Number 3 / September,

Good To Great and the Social Sectors | Notes & Review

Jim Collins. Good To Great and the Social Sectors: A Monograph to Accompany Good to Great (Why Business Thinking is not the Answer). Harper-Collins, 2005. (35 pages) How do social sector organizations ‘calibrate success without business metrics,’ ‘get things done

Good To Great and the Social Sectors | Notes & Review

Jim Collins. Good To Great and the Social Sectors: A Monograph to Accompany Good to Great (Why Business Thinking is not the Answer). Harper-Collins, 2005. (35 pages) How do social sector organizations ‘calibrate success without business metrics,’ ‘get things done